Still, still, still, this 1800’s Austrian lullaby carries a deep message that is not always translated into the English carol we sing at this time of year. After hushing the newborn baby to sleep, the song talks about the enormous love that impelled God to leave His throne and travel His road here below and ends with us calling out to God asking that heavens realms be opened to us as we come to the time of our death. This is not the first thought that comes to my mind as I contemplate the Christmas season. With merchants already playing Christmas songs, decorations going up everywhere, gifts to buy, special meals to plan, family to see, packages to wrap, ribbons to tie, cards to send, places to go, people to see…. And the pace gets every more hectic until we feel as if there isn’t time left to breathe!
Psalm 46:10 tells us, nay COMMANDS us, to ‘Be still and know (recognize, understand) that I am God.’ This particular song of David starts with verse one talking about God as ‘our refuge and strength (mighty and impenetrable),’ describing Him as ‘a very present and well-proved help in trouble.’ May I challenge you to intentionally take time during this season to be still, to remember all that you have come to know about and of God and how He has stood by you no matter what life has thrown your way; good and bad, happy and sad, easy and so tough you were sure you would break. Take hold of those truths He has imprinted on your heart and ask Him to meet you in a new way. What new Gift does God desire you to pick up and embrace this Christmas? What new Truth will come out of your time of stillness before God? What new Blessing will you receive to share with others?
Scriptures quoted from the Amplified Reading Bible
Musik: Volksweise
Traditional melody
Still, Still, Still…